Read and Become a Better Writer
In our opinion reading and writing go hand in hand. They are 2 sides of the same coin. We’ll even stick our necks out and state that we believe that to be a good writer, an exceptional writer, one must read–a lot. We read a lot.We’re not talking about the clinical study reports, journal articles, […]
Why Is Cheap Actually Expensive?
Cheap is a loaded term. It can imply a bargain with regard to cost (I only paid $300 for this Louis Vuitton bag!) or it can imply poor quality or value (It fell apart the first time I used it). In our business, whether our services are considered cheap or expensive depends on the perceived […]
Sharks Are Everywhere!
It’s Shark Week on the Discovery Channel. And as recent events show, when you swim with sharks, you risk getting bitten. And by sharks we mean predatory job postings that every writer should avoid, like this one that made our toes curl in anger.
How to Bulletproof Your Estimates
Here’s another excerpt from The Best of Pencil Points, Volume 1, coming July 1, 2015! Next to actually doing the job, estimating is probably the most challenging task for a freelance. It can also be the most frightening. Estimate too high, and you might not get the job you would have been glad to […]
Twitter Tips for Medical Writers
We’re excited to share an excerpt from our newest book, Best of Pencil Points, Volume 1, set for release on July 1, 2015. Don’t miss the Authors’ Update and Business Tidbit at the end of the article! Popular trends online in 2009 are social networking and anything else related to Web 2.0, a label […]